Many people are terrified of credit cards as they think a line of credit will make you spend too much and never be able to pay back. You can get a credit card that has a line of credit, or a debit card that doesn’t. You can get a Mastercard credit card at most South African banks. Banks issue the cards, and Mastercard processes transactions. Mastercard doesn’t deal in credit cards, rather, it provides financial services to the banks. Most casinos accept Mastercard as a payment method (you can look at our top casinos and start with registration, e.g. Since Mastercard is so widespread, it is easy to find a Mastercard casino in SA. The rest of the world is split between these two giants. China Union Pay is approaching them in volumes of transactions, but it mainly works in China.
Mastercard is a financial services company that has a half of the market, sharing it with Visa. Everyone on the globe knows what these two intersecting circles mean.